Volinga Suite - User Manual

What’s new?

The new version 0.4.1 of our UE plugin implements the following improvements:

Furthermore, all the features included in version 0.4.0 are still available:

And more quality of life features:

1. What is Volinga Suite

Volinga Suite is an advanced tool that empowers creators to effortlessly create and render Radiance Fields in real-time using Unreal Engine. The suite is comprised of three key components: Volinga Renderer, Volinga Exporter, and Volinga Creator. Volinga Renderer is a powerful tool that allows for the rendering of Radiance Field models in real-time, providing a seamless experience for users. The Volinga Exporter enables creators to easily export their Radiance Fields models to an NVOL file format, making it easy to share and collaborate with others. Finally, the Volinga Creator is a user-friendly interface that streamlines the process of creating NeRF models.

NVOL is a new standard file format to store Radiance Fields in a fast and efficient way.
Nerfacto had been deprecated. We have replaced it with the new Radiance Fields standard.

2. Volinga Renderer

2.1 What is Volinga Renderer

Volinga Renderer is a software that enables real-time rendering of Volumetric Radiance Field data. This software is powered by the NVOL file format. Volinga Renderer is part of the Volinga Suite, which includes Volinga Creator and Volinga Exporter.

2.2 Plugin for Unreal Engine

Volinga Renderer can be integrated into Unreal Engine using the Connector Plugin provided on the website and within the desktop application. We will go through the process of installation and use of this plugin.

To use the plugin, it is recommended to use at least an NVIDIA RTX 3060 GPU. Volinga Renderer also works on GPUs of the series NVIDIA RTX2000, but performance will be reduced.

2.3 Installation of the Plugin

This section describes the manual installation of the plugin. However, you can easily install the plugin in just one click using

To install the Volinga plugin for Unreal Engine, go to the installation path for Unreal Engine within our system. The default path is: “C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_5.X\Engine” (but this may be different if you have chosen a custom install location) and copy the folder “VolingaRenderer” into the “Plugins” folder of the engine. It can also be installed in the Plugins folder of a project folder to be enabled on a per-project basis.

Once the plugin is correctly installed, it will appear in the “Plugins” window of Unreal Engine:

The plugin can be enabled by clicking on the checkbox. A message will appear to inform us this is a plugin in beta version:

Now, Volinga Renderer plugin for Unreal Engine is ready to be used.

2.4 Volinga Radiance Fields Actor

Volinga Radiance Fields Actor is the core actor of the plugin. It acts as a placeholder for Radiance Fields. Volinga Radiance Fields Actor is composed of the Root Actor that represents the Radiance Fields model, the Scene Component that gives the actor a position, rotation and scale and the Crop Volume Component, which represents a cube mesh and is capable of cropping the actor to limit the area of rendering.

Adding an NVOL to your Scene

Using Volinga Radiance Fields Actor is as easy as dragging an NVOL asset to the viewport:


If several Volinga Radiance Fields Actors are present in the same level, only the one that was added in the first place will be rendered. We are working on adding support for multiple NVOL actors.

Radiance Fields Actor Translation

Volinga Radiance Fields Actor also allows the use of Unreal’s gizmos for translation, rotation and scale:

Crop Volume Component

Additionally, you can enable the new Crop Volume Component to limit the area of rendering of the Radiance Field:

Radiance Fields Actor Visibility

You can set the scene visibility of the Radiance Fields Actor by using the hidden-eye icon in the Outliner, this won’t affect it’s visibility in-game or through multi-user when nDisplay is in operation with multiple nodes.

You can disable visibility of Radiance Fields Actor rendering in Play In Editor, Standalone Game and nDisplay by enabling the Actor Hidden In Game property in the details panel.

Using Unreal Actors and NVOLs Together

The Volinga Radiance Fields Actor allows for compositing NVOLs and 3D objects seamlessly, simply compose your scene as you normally would in Unreal.

2.4.1 Actor Properties

In the Details panel of the Volinga Radiance Fields Actor, there are some properties to modify how this Actor is rendered:

Pro tip: To import an NVOL file into Unreal Engine, you just need to drag the file and drop it into the Content Drawer or Content Browser.
3D Gaussian Splatting NVOL files can sometimes be large. The file isn’t serialised for use in Unreal, but it is copied into your project folder.
Volinga doesn’t support indirect lighting/Lumen Scene yet. The ambient light value on the actor when set to 1.0 will render the NVOL how it is seen in the Volinga Viewer. Setting this to 0 will require scene lights to illuminate the NVOL and will otherwise render as black without any lights in the scene.
Currently, shadows can be cast from StaticMeshActors onto the Radiance Fields Actor, but Radiance Fields don’t currently self-shadow or cast shadows onto StaticMeshActors. This feature is being worked on.

2.4.2 Crop Volume Component

Volinga Radiance Fields Actor comes with a component used to establish bounds of the Radiance Field asset. It has it own transforms (position, rotation and scale) and they are independent of the Volinga Radiance Fields Actor, so you can move the Actor and the Component independently. You can enable and disable the Crop Volume from here too.

2.5 Volinga and Disguise RenderStream

To use Volinga Renderer together with Disguise RenderStream, we recommend using the native integration which directly connects the Disguise system to the Volinga Renderer. You can learn more about it here.

2.6 Volinga and Pixotope

Volinga can be used in conjunction with Pixotope using our custom plugin.

2.7 Volinga and Nuke Server

Volinga can be used in NukeX using the Nuke Server plugin. Using a Level Sequencer and the Unreal Reader Node in Unreal, sequences can be rendered directly into Nuke.

If you want to render a video using Movie Render Queue, or you are using Volinga in Nuke through Nuke Server, we recommend disabling dynamic resolution and setting the resolution multiplier to 1 or above to obtain the best quality output.

3. Volinga Exporter

Volinga Exporter is a tool to convert .ckpt files trained using NeRFStudio and .ply files created using 3D Gaussian Splatting into NVOL files. In the case of NeRFStudio, Volinga Exporter only supports Volinga model, which is an external method. You can add Volinga to your existing NeRFStudio installation using:

pip install git+https://github.com/Volinga/volinga-model

Or you can follow the instructions at https://github.com/Volinga/volinga-model. When you have added Volinga method, you an now train a new NeRF:

ns-train volinga --data /path/to/your/data --vis viewer

Once the training is done, you can find your checkpoint file in the outputs/path-to-your-data/volingafolder. Then, you can drag it to Volinga Suite to export it to NVOL.

In the case of 3D Gaussian Splatting, you can create .ply files following the instructions provided in https://github.com/graphdeco-inria/gaussian-splatting. You can convert it into an NVOL file following the same process.

NVOL files created using .ply files can be used for commercial purpose only if the user have been granted with commercial license from INRIA and Max Planck institute and has an Indie or Enterprise Subscription plan.

4. Volinga Creator

To train NeRFs using Volinga Creator you can drag and drop training images (.jpg, .jpeg, .png, .tif, .tiff) or a training video (.mp4, .mov) onto the + icon.

After giving your new asset a name and any tags you’d like to assign to it, click upload to begin the process of generating an NVOL asset.

NVOLs created using Volinga creator can be used commercially if they are created under an Indie or an Enterprise subscription plan. There is no need for extra licensing.
If you are using Volinga Creator in a mobile browser, you will have the option to directly record a video from your camera. However, be aware that the quality of video recorded in-browser on mobile is low and may result in a lower quality asset than using the iOS/Android native camera application and uploading the consequent file.

4.1 Best Practices for Capturing Scenes

When capturing videos or images to create radiance fields, the capturing process has a a very high level of influence on the output quality. We strongly recommend to follow this guide developed by Jonathan Stephens and Jared Heinly for good capture practice:

We also recommend to watch the episode of the podcast “Computer Vision Decoded” where they explain this guide in detail: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQfRdr_gZ8g&t=4s

5. Volinga Desktop

Volinga Desktop allows you to have the complete pipeline of Volinga Suite running locally on your computer. Currently, Volinga Desktop provides two different modules: Volinga Installer and Volinga Exporter.

5.1. Volinga Installer

Volinga installer provides a on-click installation for the different plugins of Volinga:

When a plugin is selected to be installed, a dialog window will pop up to select the installation path. For each of the plugins, the installation path will be different:

Unreal Engine: Select the Unreal Engine installation folder, which by default is in: “C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_5.X\Engine”:

Pixotope: Select the Pixotope Engine installation folder, which by default is in: “C:\Program Files\Pixotope\{Pixotope Version}\Pixotope Engine”.


Select the RenderStream projects folder, usually located under:

”C:\Users\{current-user}\Documents\RenderStream Projects”

Once the installation is finished, your plugin will be ready to be used!

5.2 Volinga Creator

In the Creator section you can create new NVOLs, either online through our web service or locally if you have a graphics card that meets the minimum specifications.

To create a new NVOL, drag and drop a dataset onto the "+" button, or click on this same button to manually select the files. The allowed datasets are the following:

Once you have done this, you must select the type of training you want to do, NeRF or 3DGS, and whether you want to do it locally or online.

Local training is only available for 3DGS.
NVOLs generated locally by non-Enterprise clients will render with a watermark.

Next, a name for the NVOL must be configured and tags can be added if desired, after which the Process button can be clicked.

Advanced parameters

When performing a local training session, before starting it, a window will be displayed to select the advanced training parameters that can be configured:

Before starting local training, a window will be display that allows you to configure some advanced parameters. The default values have been chosen to give good results across datasets; however they can be tweaked by advanced users wishing to experiment with their results.

The functionality of each of these parameters is specified below:

For example, 1000 2000 2500 would save iterations 1000, 2000 and 2500 as well as the final output.
30,000 iterations is usually around the point of diminishing returns for quality of the model.
You can also specify a pixel value which will cause the image to be downscaled to that width, while preserving the aspect ratio. 1600 being entered entered for images of 3840x2160 would result in training images of 1600x900.
The default number is 300 but, the more frames you extract, the better quality you may get and the longer it may take to train.

Changing these numbers may in some cases lead to unreasonably long/infinite training times.

Once the parameters are set, press the Start button and wait for the process to finish. Progress will update during training on the gallery thumbnail:

Continue Training and Retrain

It’s possible to retrain assets that have been completed with modified parameters and to continue previously paused training.


To retrain an NVOL, open the context menu and click on the "Retrain" option. This will load the dataset into the Creator and you can then click on Process and Start to begin training with the defined advanced parameters.

The Retrain process uses the COLMAP data calculated in the original training to save training time.


This is a workflow for testing different advanced parameter settings without needing to wait for the COLMAP step to complete.

You cannot add images to the dataset and retrain.

Continue training

To continue training from where you left off, simply open the NVOL context menu and click Continue training. This will load the NVOL into the Creator and you can then click Process, select the desired final iterations, and click Start to continue training with the selected advanced parameters.

When continuing a training session, the advanced parameters that will be loaded will be the original ones, but they can be modified before continuing the training session.

Queue Trainings

To queue training, simply start a new training with one of the methods mentioned above (Creator, Retrain or Continue training), which will add this new process to the list of pending tasks and will appear in the gallery view.

5.3 Volinga Editor

Volinga Editor provides a way to modify your 3DGS files.

The interface is simple to use; however, it still has its limitations that we are working on improving and adding many more features. There are four visible menus in the UI:

In the bottom menu we have the Box (B) and Circle Selector (C) on the left. Use the Shift key to add to selection and the Ctrl key to remove from selection, Esc to deselect the tool.

You may change the size of the tool with keys + and -. And use the keys Space and Shift + Space to toggle the point cloud or splats rendering on and off respectively.

The next tool in the row (experimental) allows for selection of only the immediate surface that’s covering most of the cursor area: Surface Selector (V). The selection is always a circle and it ignores whether the user moves the brush or not.

The NVOL selector (N) selects entire NVOL assets, not single points within an NVOL. And the Group selector (M) allows you to select groups defined by the user- Groups can be defined either with the (H) key or using Split Gaussians button at the center of the toolbar.

The next tool is the cluster Selection Tool (G) which we will skip for now. The next three tools in the bar are the gizmos to translate (T), rotate (R) and scale (X); hold down the Shift key before pressing down a gizmo to have a more accurate and slower movement. Rotation allows you to define a pivot point if selected in the left menu under “Custom rotation pivot”.

The last three tools in the toolbar are Select all (Ctrl + A), Invert selection (Ctrl + I) and Select none (Ctrl + N).

Camera movement

Camera movement works with the common WASD + QE keys and the left mouse button to control the camera rotation. The mouse wheel may also be used to move forward or backwards, however, it will move the camera a greater distance when further away and vice-versa.

While a selection is active, hold the right mouse button to orbit around and the mouse wheel to zoom in and out.

Upload Section

On the left menu, from top to bottom we start with the upload section. The upload section is used to upload NVOLs to the editor, different NVOLs will have different colours and consecutive IDs. You may check the “upload at origin” checkbox, this will make all NVOLS centred at the origin when they load, otherwise they may have a translation offset.

Export Section

Here you can export as either a new NVOL or as a PLY. When using the NVOL format, different compression levels are available.

PLY export is only available to enterprise users

The save button will overwrite the original asset. The “Save as” button saves with the name provided in the text input below. Be aware that if you use save as with the same name, it might be overwritten.

When saving, all loaded NVOLs with the modifications are saved to a unique NVOL (or ply) file. And all the groups that may have been defined are not stored.

Selection Filter

The selection filter allows you to set some criteria for filtering the points you want. Mark the checkbox of each criteria you want to filter for:

The selection filter allows to exclusively select, unselect from the current selection or add to the current selection all gaussians that satisfy the criteria.

Clustering section

This is still an experimental feature that allows the user to group the gaussians in the scene. Press the run button to start clustering. There are two parameters:

Clustering may take from a single minute to several minutes to run

After the clustering have been completed. We may use the cluster size as a Selection Filter or directly use the Cluster Selection (G) tool from the bottom tool bar. This tool will select all clusters under the cursor.

We may also transform the clustering result to groups.


Lastly, the settings section:

6. Known Limitations and Bugs